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Nearly 20% of Japan leisure facilities raise admission in 2024: research firm

TOKYO — Nearly 20% of major leisure facilities in Japan have raised admission prices in 2024, a survey by Tokyo-based research firm Teikoku Databank Ltd. has found.

The survey looked at changes in the prices of tickets to 190 facilities such as theme and amusement parks, zoos and aquariums across the country as of July 2024. While the increases were moderate in comparison to 2023, it’s believed that pressure to raise prices is continuing against a backdrop of rising electricity, labor and other costs.

The average price of admission only across the facilities rose by 43 yen (roughly 28 cents) this year to 1,629 yen (about $10), while “free pass” tickets including both admission and attractions such as rides went up by 128 yen (some 82 cents) to 4,502 yen (approx. $28).

Facilities that have not changed their fees yet this year comprised 81.6% of the total, or 155, while 17,4%, or 33, raised prices. In a similar survey conducted last year, 32.1% of the facilities, or 61, had raised prices. Since the number has roughly halved, Teikoku speculates the rush of price hikes is showing signs of slowing.

By type of facility, average admission prices were highest at aquariums, where tickets went up by 91 yen (some 58 cents) to 2,042 yen (around $13). Teikoku assessed that steep rises in the cost of electricity to power pumps, air conditioning and other equipment along with the cost of feed contributed to the increase.

In contrast, zoos were the cheapest to enter, with an average price increase of 34 yen (22 cents or so) to reach 1,381 yen (roughly $8.86). While the administrators face challenges like higher bills for animal feed just as aquariums do, the company pointed out that many of these facilities are run by public bodies such as local governments, and raising prices is difficult.

Admission to theme and amusement parks went up by 22 yen (14 cents or so) on average to sit at 1,570 yen (around $10).

Including free passes, the costliest tickets were 10,900 yen (about $70). These were the highest prices of the 1-Day Passport for adults at Tokyo Disney Resort in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, and the 1 Day Studio Pass for adults at Universal Studios Japan in the city of Osaka as both surpassed the 10,000-yen mark.

(Japanese original by Yuko Shimada, Business News Department)
